Flopsy Bunny & Quick Kite
Flopsy Bunny & Quick Kite: a bilingüe story
Spring Fling 2020
Flopsy Bunny spies Quick Kite.
Lunges, leaps with all her might.
Grab Kite by the tail!
Whoopsie daisy! Flopsy fail!
Blossoms blooming all around.
Make a blanket on the ground.
Flopsy chases Kite uptown.
Teasing Flopsy, Kite swoops down.
”Ven conmigo!”
“Play with me!”
“Aqui estoy above the tree!”
En el cielo, in the sky,
Mariposas flutter by.
Flopsy hops, and jumps and pounces,
Brinca, salta, flips and bounces,
”Vamos, Kite!”
“Let’s hide and seek!”
“Bueno, Flopsy, but don’t peek!”
Wind lifts Kite high in the air.
Flopsy grumbles, “That’s not fair!”
“Vuelva Kite, come back this way!”
Flopsy Bunny wants to play.
Cola larga,
gold and red…
Tickles Flopsy on the head!
“Amiguito, stay and play.”
“Don’t go flying far away!”
Flopsy snags Kite by the tail.
No lo suelta, off they sail!
Hold on Flopsy!
Hold on tight!
Friends forever, Flops and Kite